Bud Storyteller

Bud tells stories, myths, and tales of all kinds to children in elementary schools.

Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into young minds.

Bud's stories often inclue subtle messages encouraging increased participation in school.

button Click this button to hear Bud in an interview.
button Click this button to hear Bud's version of the Spider and the Fly.

magic hat

Is that a magic hat?

Yes it is, and while Bud does not wear a magic hat, he always includes several magic tricks in his storytelling sessions, he refers to them as illusions.

The value of a well told story.
Storytelling is like opening a window in the minds of the listeners. Stories provide a chance to experience a variety of emotions without the risk of those emotions themselves. For young children, the emotions like wonder or fear or courage can be tested out in their minds as they listen in the safety of the story.



For further information or to set up program details, contact:

email: Bud@budstoryteller.com
telephone: 269-651-6300

PO Box 223
Sturgis, MI 49091